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My Original Characters - This article is part of a series.


graph TD dad[[Jin Chengmin]]:::jp-->hy mum((Seiko Amano)):::jp-->hy((" ")):::hybrid hy---->hero[[Karlukle Amano]]:::herojp hy---->brother[[Hunosuke Amano]]:::jp hy---->sister((Mirai Amano)):::jp brother-.-.r1(elder-younger brothers):::cont hero-.-.r1 hero-.-.r2 sister-.-.r2(elder brother - younger sister):::cont classDef hybrid fill:#C1DBDA classDef herojp fill:#FAE78A classDef cont font-weight:700,stroke-dasharray: 5 5,stroke-width:0px,fill:#f0f0f0 click dad "/en/docs/myoc/characters/#chengmin" click mum "/en/docs/myoc/characters/#seiko" click hero "/en/docs/myoc/characters/#karlukle" click brother "/en/docs/myoc/characters/#hunosuke" click sister "/en/docs/myoc/characters/#mirai"
graph TD subgraph Legends dad(" ")-->hy((" ")) mum(" ")-->hy:::hybrid hy--" "-->he(" ") hy--Matchmaking and Childbirth Symbol-->brother(" ") hy--" "-->sister(" ") lg1[[Male]]-.-.relationship("【relationship】"):::cont lg2((Female))-.-.relationship hero[[the Protagonist]]:::herojp end classDef cont stroke-dasharray: 5 5,stroke-width:0px,fill:#f0f0f0 classDef herojp fill:#FAE78A classDef hybrid fill:#C1DBDA

World View

graph LR earthlyworld[(Earthly World)]:::world leafworld[(Leaf World)]:::world eltraveller([E-L Traveller]):::onel--lives in-->earthlyworld eltraveller--transforms in-->leafworld subgraph el[ ] earthlyworld2[(Earthly World)]:::world--产-->husoul leafworld2[(Leaf World)]:::world--产-->leafsoul husoul[Mankind Motosoul]:::rei-.-eltraveller earthlyworld2--gives birth to-->tay tay([Tai]):::rei--becomes-->eltraveller leafsoul[Leaf Motosoul]:::rei-.-eltraveller end classDef world fill:#FAE78A click earthlyworld "/en/docs/myoc/pedia/#earthlyworld" click leafworld "/en/docs/myoc/pedia/#leafworld" click eltraveller "/en/docs/myoc/pedia/#eltraveller" click earthlyworld2 "/en/docs/myoc/pedia/#earthlyworld" click leafworld2 "/en/docs/myoc/pedia/#leafworld" click tay "/en/docs/myoc/pedia/#tay" click leafsoul "/en/docs/myoc/pedia/#leafsoul" click husoul "/en/docs/myoc/pedia/#husoul"


%%{init: { 'logLevel': 'debug', 'theme': 'forest' } }%% timeline 2000s : 2000             Chengmin Met Seiko : 2005             Chengmin Married Seiko : 2007             Hunosuke Was Born 2010s: 2013             Marlukle Was Born : 2014               Mirai Was Born : 2019             Grandma passed away, Mirai Moved to Countryside 2020s : 2020                 The family moved to Dalian, with Mirai left : 2021                 The Dream of Leaf World, Mirai died : Present             What can't be stopped is only time...
My Original Characters - This article is part of a series.