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Background Q&A

·240 words·1 min·
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My Original Characters - This article is part of a series.

Why use the family name “Amano(天野)”?

I have been searching for a family that sounds catchy in English. The word “Ama(天)” related to the theme of this story attracted me.

What is the origin of the name “Karlukle(カルクル)”?

I first gave the protagonist an English name “Karlukle”. Karlukle consists of two parts, Karl is a Germanic and Scandinavian variant of “Charles”, and Ukle is taken from Ukulele. At the same time, when translating Karlukle into Katakana, I learned from the name of Howl’s apprentice in Studio Ghibli’s anime film Howl’s Moving Castle(ハウルの動く城, 2004).

What is the meaning of the name Jin Chengmin(金丞旻)?

Min(旻) means sky, corresponding to Amano.

Why is it the Leaf World?

The Parallel universe is connected by the fourth dimension, which easily reminds people of countless parallel leaves on a branch.

My Original Characters - This article is part of a series.