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Conception Illustration

·323 words·1 min·
Table of Contents
My Original Characters - This article is part of a series.

Earthly World

The world we live in.

Mankind’s Motosoul

Moto is a Japanese word that means original.Mankind’s Motosoul is the original soul of a person.

Sufaddition of Motosoul

When two Owners of Mankind’s’s True Soul are subjected to the Heavenly Torture, due to the fact that two EL Travellers cannot exist simultaneously, the pain is halved. The first to arrive will successfully become an EL Traveller, with double the spiritual energy bonus, while the other’s soul will be shattered.

Leaf World

Parallel worlds in the fourth dimension. The World of Leaves can establish connections and communicate with the Owners of Mankind’s Motosoul through mental control. Dreams are the only way to travel between Our World and the World of Leaves through the four-dimensional axis. It is said that only children can have such a dream of the Leaf World.

Leaf Motosoul

The projection of the soul of Owners of Mankind’s Motosoul in the Leaf World.


After arriving in the World of Leaves, the owner of Mankind’s Motosoul loses their freedom and cannot return until they become an EL Traveller. Such a person who loses their freedom is called a tai (meaning body in Japanese)

EL Traveller

An Owner of Mankind’s Motosoul who can travel back and forth between Our World and the Leaf World through dreams. Karlukle is an EL Traveller who gains L-abilities every night by sleepwalking in the Leaf World and lands in various corners of Earthly World to engage in conversations.


The personification of Leaf World, which means Heaven Lord in Japanese.

Heavenly Torture

The torture of Leaf World which involves both physical and mental torment. When being subjected to the Heavenly Torture, there is a slow-splitting pain in the body and great despair in the mind. To gain freedom, one must endure the torture and become an EL Traveller.

Owner of Mankind’s Motosoul

Humans(those who possess souls).

My Original Characters - This article is part of a series.