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摄影 语言

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This is a merged photo. The background was shot on July 24, 2022, the shooting spot of which located at Xinghai Square, Shahekou District, Dalian.


设备: VOG-AL10(华为自带长焦镜头)
焦距: 105mm(等效35mm胶片焦距)
经纬度: g121.58709347,38.87754517(GCJ-02坐标2)
凯立德K码: 8ti6fb01x


But the foreground was not shot recently, which was on Sep. 11, 2012 and whose object was six-year-old ME.


This is the source material,and the child on the right is my あね3.


(This photo was recovered for underexposing, so the hue is kind of strange.)
设备: iPhone 4
焦距: 4mm(等效35mm胶片焦距)
经纬度: g122.96740383,39.69392652(GCJ-02坐标)
凯立德K码: 8aifgresx


While I was preparing for photoshopping, I accidentally found that it was just the 10th anniversary of shooting the original photo.


『读音:jinen no toki wo o pedatete, hito to hūkei (n)ga kōsaku suru, wakaii ano ji no boku wa taimumashin ni no’tte taimusuki’ppushita youda


  • “の”(音no,以下括号内若无特殊说明,都是标音)表示领属,即“之”

  • “時”(toki) “隔”(peda)是名词

  • “てて”(tete)是助词

  • “と”(to)是连词“和”

  • “が”(nga或ga)是助词,提示并强调主题

  • “交錯する”(kōsaku suru)是二类动词


    • “あの”(ano)是“那个”,あれ的接体形
  • “若い”(wakaii)是形容词,其中“若”即“弱”,意思是幼小的。 这不禁使我们想到了汉语的日语外来语(和制汉语)、生物学名词“若虫”。这是对不完全变态发育的昆虫幼体的称呼,它与“若い”中“若”的意义相同。

  • “僕”(boku)是男子青少年自称

  • “は”(ha,读wa)是助词,提示主题

  • “タイムマシン”(taimumashin)是片假名转写的英语外来语,词源是“time machine”


  • “乗って”(no’tte)是动词原形“乗る”的て形

  • “タイムスギップ”(taimusuripu)是片假名转写的英语外来语,词源是“time skip” 它加上“した”(shita)变成过去式

  • “…ようだ”(yūda或youda)表示“好像…”

粗暴地连起来就是: 十年 时 隔,人 和 风景 交错。幼小的那个我 时光机上 乘坐 穿梭时间了 好像。

由于日语的SOV语序,调整谓宾,再把状语放到恰当的位置,你就能理解😇 此之谓“像翻译文言文一样翻译外语” 』

· 二 ·


设备: VOG-AL10(华为自带短焦镜头)
焦距: 主体6mm(等效35mm胶片焦距)
经纬度: g121.58676624,38.87595195(GCJ-02坐标)
凯立德K码: 8fi6fny0x


It is almost incredible to see such a immense moon! Sure, but there are scientific reasons of the phenomena:



In the case of a reference object, the ratio of the viewing angle of the reference object to the particular object determines the sensory size.


Taking the lens focal length of 6mm as an example, if the moon (object) and the ground scene (reference object) are taken under this condition, the angle of view of the ground scene is greater than 114 °; On Earth, the angle of view of the moon in the lens is usually only 0.5 °. The difference between the two is 228 times, which is not in the same order of magnitude.


We should try to reduce the angle of view of the reference object (that is, increase the focal length).


So how to increase the focal length?Increase the distance between the lens and the reference object as much as possible, and use a telephoto lens to ensure that the predetermined focal length is within the zoom range of the lens.


As above (from the network), its actual shooting spot is more than 2km away from the church(as is on the map below) .

显然,手机内置摄像头的焦距是无法满足要求的 。对于我的情况,如果用手机自带的长焦镜头拍摄,效果可能是这样的↓

Obviously, the focal length of the built-in camera of the cellphone cannot meet the requirements. For my case, if I use the telephoto lens of my phone, the effect may be like this ↓


Moreover, since the moon will not reach the eastern ground level until around 2:20 a.m. the next day on June 5, while it will be 9:00 the next day before it reaches the due south position as shown in the picture ,and, at the same time, I can’t find a shooting place far north of Xinghai Square. Therefore, I can only take two photos and then merge them.


Thus, the shooting is divided into two parts:


At 20:00, at Xinghai Square, shooting Xinghai Bay Bridge;


In the early dawning, shooting the moon rose from the east with a 200mm telephoto lens in Donggang Business District, Dalian.


For the sake of beauty,I change the orientation of the moon and the color of the night sky, and cut them, so:


The dazzling lights of the Xinghai Bay Bridge are reflected on the sea, the convex beam body shows the aesthetic of industry, and, in my eyes, the crescent moon is seemingly brighter than that in any other nights.🎇

  1. 文中地图均来源于中国四维地球电子地图,位置信息来源于JPEG图片中设备自动记录的经纬 ↩︎

  2. GCJ-02是由中国国家测绘局制订的地理信息系统的坐标系统,它是一种对经纬度数据的加密算法,即强制性加入随机偏差,因此本文给出的经纬度必然是不精确的 ↩︎

  3. あね(ane,姉) 是向别人称呼自己的姐姐所使用的词汇。对自己的姐姐应该使用おねえちゃん/さん(onēcyan/san,お姉ちゃん/さん),前者更亲昵 ↩︎